
Thursday, July 5, 2007

Wedding Happenings

This will be a prequel of sorts to what will be an amazing wedding this weekend. On Saturday, two of the raddest people I know will be tying the knot in Little Rock and I just want to say that it has been quite a ride just getting to this point. Here's a brief review of what my life has been like leading up this joyous occasion:

Rooms painted: 3

Backs shaved: 1

Beers had: not enough

Nights my sleep schedule has been thrown off: 6

Fridays I left work early: 2

Number of times Lafe complained about Brian robbing him of his "Stu" time: 1

So as you can see, it hasn't been all bad. In fact, quite the opposite. I have really enjoyed getting the chance to see Bri-Bri in action for this event and I am thoroughly convinced that he is ready to be a stellar husband. It's only fair though since Gennie is a rockstar herself. And wow are they going to have some artistic kids! Now all that is left is the wedding itself (along with some wedding shenanigans). Look out Little Rock here we come!


James Miller said...

Man, those shenanigans were crazy. Remember when you hit your head on that sign at IHOP? Man, you're such a freakishly tall human being. That's why we love you. See you tomorrow.

Stu said...

That one cut James, that cut real deep...