
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Knowledge for the General Public

Diesel eats through styrofoam....relatively quickly. I'm not going to say how I know this today, but I do: trust me on this.


Liz said...

Interesting... that might be the only thing that can cut through Styrofoam because I read that it takes 2000 years to degrade in a landfill.

Compston said...

but who measured that?

Stu said...

Compston: Touche (imagine the accent on the "e")

Liz: Who the heck are you?

Kidding, you got me. Sorry to bug you so much yesterday, but it was an impressively slow day at work. Your internet sleuth accolades are well deserved!

Kristen Compston said...

liz went to nepal the same time i went to india and we hung out for a few weeks and i would guess she got to your blog through mine. this is like a collision of worlds for me. or just a reminder that everyone surfs blogs when bored at work.

Liz said...

Hi Stu- I was hoping it was you- otherwise I'd feel real awkward right now! Are you moving to Mexico?

Little K- speaking of world's colliding... i'll be headed to nepal around the time that you all are flying to india, (maybe) we should fly together! :)

Compston: i'll look up the science behind it, though i know that the number is around there.

Stu said...

Yeah, I'm moving at the end of this year to the state of Oaxaca (check the link on my blog for Roca Blanca to see the base). Exciting stuff!

So you're going to Nepal? That's so amazing. I hope God prepares the way for you until you go. What will you be doing?

jlo said...

Yeah, like never try to put diesel in a styrofoam cup so that you can put it on a large pile of stuff to burn. It sort of melts it away....by the way, so does gasoline....

Jennifer said...

you write like you talk. it kind of creeps me out when i read your blog. i can hear your voice in my head, reciting your writing, when i read your writing. weird.

Stu said...

Well if that's the case Jennifer, this is where you shout: "Get out of my head!!!" Over and over until everyone thinks you are crazy.