There is a Christian music artist that I have only recently become aware of named Phil Wickham and he has a song entitled: "Divine Romance." Apart from being a truly genius song musically, the lyrics speak to something that is a struggle for most all Christians the world over I imagine (if not, then I must say that it is surely my greatest struggle). This struggle is the need to be satisfied by the intimate relationship that Christ promises we can have with him. Too often my actions show that I don't believe that He is capable of fulfilling me and this usually leads to bad decisions that hurt myself or worse: I hurt others around me. He wants us to seek Him in love! Without further elaboration (because that would take several pages) I will leave you, my dear reader, with the lyrics for this song:
The fullness of Your grace is here with me The richness of Your beauty's all I see The brightness of Your glory has arrived In Your presence God, I'm completely satisfied
For You, I sing I dance Rejoice in this divine romance Lift my heart and my hands to show my love To show my love......
A deep, deep flood an ocean flows from YouA deep, deep love is filling up the room Your innocent blood has washed my guilty life In Your presence God I'm completely satisfied
For You, I sing I dance Rejoice in this divine romance Lift my heart and my hands to show my love To show my love......
This song made me think about the other day, I was listening to a sermon by Paul Washer. He was talking about the belief that when we will get to heaven we just sit on clouds and play harps... He said that once we are in heavem, we will "wake" and look at Jesus, fall prostrate in worship and awe, go to "sleep" and begin our day by looking at Jesus and falling on our face again at His Glory. Basically the idea is that we will never tire of looking at Him and we will never stop worshiping Him. We are to begin our eternal life (and that kind of worship) on earth when we are saved. Why is it so hard for us to realize His authority and Glory?
There is a book called The Divine Romance by Gene Edwards that is also amazing. It's about God pursuing us and completing falling in love with Him. Amazing.
sidenote: i don't know why i didn't realize you even had a blog! i'm adding you to my list right now.
This song made me think about the other day, I was listening to a sermon by Paul Washer. He was talking about the belief that when we will get to heaven we just sit on clouds and play harps... He said that once we are in heavem, we will "wake" and look at Jesus, fall prostrate in worship and awe, go to "sleep" and begin our day by looking at Jesus and falling on our face again at His Glory. Basically the idea is that we will never tire of looking at Him and we will never stop worshiping Him. We are to begin our eternal life (and that kind of worship) on earth when we are saved. Why is it so hard for us to realize His authority and Glory?
I love that song. It makes me very happy.
There is a book called The Divine Romance by Gene Edwards that is also amazing. It's about God pursuing us and completing falling in love with Him. Amazing.
sidenote: i don't know why i didn't realize you even had a blog! i'm adding you to my list right now.
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