
Monday, June 11, 2007

Pure Life

The literal translation of "Pura Vida" is just that: "Pure Life." Now for a little info on this saying.

Pura Vida is a commonly used phrase in Costa Rica. In the context of conversation, it could be thought to carry the same meaning as "it's all good." For example, if someone would ask you, "How's it going?" you would respond with, "Pura Vida." It's really kind of a catchy thing to say in my opinion, but the meaning I've given it for myself goes beyond this.

I have decided to engage in a more literal slant on this slogan. As most of us do, I desire to have a life with a degree of purity that if too often lacking. I want to feel, as well as know, that God has washed me pure.....again. I want to be able to respond to the question, "How's it going?" with "Pura Vida" and really feel that way. Sanctification is a painfully slow process very often, but that's what's at the heart of this post I guess. So now you know my motivation behind the name of my blog.

In other news, there is a time capsule being unearthed in Tulsa this week. I don't know a whole lot about it except that it's a car that has been buried in front of the main post office for 50 years. My dad told me that he was watching the news and some interviews of people who had put things in the car and are now anxiously awaiting the return of their precious articles. One 75 year old man said he can't wait to get his beer back. Now, I'm not sure about this, but if he can get that beer down it will either kill him or make him live another 50 years. That's just my opinion.


erinelizabeth said...

I'm going to go with "make him vomit", and then maybe kill him. I think Pura Vida is an excellent blog title. I understand the painful process of sanctification all too well. Welcome to the blogging world, friend! I hope you keep your internet journaling alive once you move to Mexico!

whitney said...

If there was a time capsule here, would you and Lafe put bourbon in it?

Too bad you joined the blog world just in time for me to lose my blogging priviledges because my future home country's gov't thinks they can control people's lives through the internet. We'll just have to go back to the old days of telephones and e-mail...or skype and webcams...

Stu said...

Don't worry, this blog thing is here to stay. I can't stand the thought of falling out of touch with the people who are so dear to me in my life right now.

I guess I'll suck it up and email you in China Whit. Oh, and no, the bourbon would never make it in tact all the way to the time capsule....too precious to bury.

*g* said...

i didn't know you had a blog. since i left the other CG, i feel like there is the whole secret blog society that i don't know about. ergo, i appreciate you being from MY community group and blogging. also, you are now linked. like i said, didn't know you had a blog.