
Monday, June 4, 2007

The Great Dumpster Fire of 2007



"The dumpster is on fire..."



Now you have to understand something: Lafe and I aren't normally excitable people in the morning. It takes something special to get any kind of response from us before we head out the door. However on this morning, things were dramatically different....

Our story begins with me borrowing the First Security Bank "Teal Grill" for Grovefest last night. Lafe was the resident chef and used the grill to make all the food that we enjoyed at Wilson Park. Now, fast forward to this morning as Lafe and I are waking up. I offered to help Lafe clean out the grill before returning it, but he said he'd do it by himself (really a very nice gesture in an effort to get me to work on time). So I jumped in the shower while Lafe went outside to dump the coals from the night before, and by the time I was out, we had a
certified bonfire in our dumpster. Poor Lafe!!!! Who would have thought that those coals would still be hot?! Not Lafe. If ever I have wanted a digital camera, it was now. The smoke billowing out of the gigantic trash receptacle was enough to make you think there was a controlled forest burn somewhere nearby. So we spent the next 15 minutes running pitchers of water from our apartment to the dumpster in a losing effort to control the blaze. Our downstairs neighbor even pitched in, but to no avail. The fire department showed up and one of the guys greeted us with, "Thanks for the help, but I think we can handle it from here." So the firemen doused our blaze and the fire marshall took down all of Lafe's information while the Cliffs apartment complex wreaked of burning trash. The smoke was enough to make one think there was actually a thick blanket of fog on this early morning. My jeep still smells....

"I always wondered how we were gonna get evicted from our apartment."
-Lafe Benson


artdirector said...

That's good stuff Stu. Most of my mornings consist of me choosing which one of my ties I'm going to wear, some scotch, vinegar, an acorn, and some arm and hammer baking soda. Pretty boring stuff, really. I'll tell you about it some other time.

Compston said...

The only thing that would have made this better is a picture of lafe standing on the balcony with a sipper of burbon watching the blaze.

Jennifer said...

that's the sort of stuff that happens up there in the ghetto Cliffs I and II. classy people back in Cliffs III and higher don't have dumpsters. we don't even make trash, per se. oh, wait. i don't live there anymore...

Jennifer said...

go to my blog: barefacedjenn.blogspot.com

and make me a link.

por favor.

Stu said...

Adam, I understand everything about the scotch, banking soda, etc. However I'm mildly curious about the acorn. You'll have to let me in on that one.

Steevo, bourbon is exactly what Lafe needed; trust me.

Jen, you are officially linked! Tell grammie I said hi.