
Tuesday, December 4, 2007

In Tulsa

Well, I'm in Tulsa after a week of tearful goodbyes, quick packing, and pure craziness. The next 2 weeks will be really great as I will have to opportunity to be still and prepare myself for the big move to Mexico. Quickly, I have an edit to a previous prayer request:

I need that God grants me wisdom and discernment. Obviously this statement can cover so many things, but what I'm referring to specifically right now is the whole truck question. I have felt for some time that I truly need a truck to take me to Mexico (see previous post for reasons). It isn't happening at all to this point and so I'm beginning to ask God if in His wisdom He has a plan for me that doesn't involve a truck. It's not a lack of faith in His provision, rather responding to how He's leading me.

Oh, and just for all of you that can appreciate some good people watching, there is currently a gentleman in front of me that is waiting for the bathroom to open up in this coffee shop where I'm sitting and He is so put off that someone else could have the audacity to be occupying the bathroom. I think he thinks the bathroom is his. I may cut in front of him....


cara said...

I wish I had a truck to give you.

Stu said...

Thanks Cara. I'm genuinely grateful for your concern. Keep praying!

Cindy Lofton said...

Have you sold your Jeep?

Cindy Lofton said...

that comment was from me, Jason

Stu said...

Yeah, I actually just sold my Jeep last week Jason. Unfortunately I had to sell it for quite a bit less than it was worth because the engine had a problem with the oil pressure that was internal (translation: it needed a new engine). Bummer. Anyway, thanks for asking.

angibanangi said...

Hey Stu, you are definitely in my prayers. I hope all is well for you as you prepare for your move. Peace!

Angi(liz's friend)

Liz said...

angi! why don't you ever post on my blog? :)

Stu said...

Angi, thanks for the prayers. It's good to know people are following me on this journey.

Liz, I'm just way more interesting than you. Pluz.