
Monday, August 4, 2008

The Grove Team Rocked My Face Off

Well, as the title would suggest, the team of 9 amazing people that came from the Grove week before last was amazing.  They were very flexible, effective in ministry, and I think they were all affected for the better because of their experiences here.  My sub-par internet connection hasn't afforded me the opportunity yet to look at the pictures of others, but I'm sure they're equally as amazing.

My favorite memory of the trip was probably Reagen doing the "strong man" in our skit.  He was very convincing.  There was also the not-so-reserved boy story from Malinda.  I can't wait to see you all again soon.

The Shack....I really don't know where to begin.  I finished it last week and I am less than impressed.  In short, The Shack is a doctrinal dissertation on the Trinity of God and the Problem of Pain wrapped in the unassuming clothing of a fiction novel.  Although fiction, all of the reviews and praise written about The Shack have nothing to do with the fictitious part of the the book (the story), but rather how the reviewer's view of God has been affected in one way or another.  I won't go into what I don't agree with, but let's just say that I wouldn't read it again.

Lastly, I will be coming home on August the 20th for good.  I have spent a long time figuring out when my time in Mexico would be coming to a close, but after talking with the elders at the Grove and the directors at Roca Blanca, this is the date that I chose.  There is obviously a long story behind this drastic change in my plans so email me if you would like to know.  That's all I have for now.  Now I'm off to enjoy the beach while I still can.